


Ad Broere

Ad Broere, adviseur, spreker, auteur, vernieuwer en inspirator voor ondernemers, particulieren en onderwijsinstellingen

Ad Broere (1948), van huis uit econoom, is al meer dan 30 jaar actief in bedrijfsleven en onderwijs. Als oud bankier, schrijver, spreker en zelfstandig gevestigd adviseur voor zelfstandig ondernemers en particulieren, en docent/ontwikkelaar van leergangen bij diverse onderwijsinstellingen.

Bureau Netwerk .

Bureau voor het nieuwe ondernemen. Duurzaam samenwerken en co-creatie. Reintegratie. Outplacement. Loopbaanbegeleiding. 

Alle hens aan dek. Het zal nodig zijn in de toekomst. Niet alleen vanwege de vergrijzing, maar ook vanwege de omslag die momenteel gaande is in de maatschappij. We groeien toe naar een netwerkmaatschappij. We worden ons meer en meer bewust van onze onderlinge verbondenheid. Niet in de laatste plaats met dank aan sociale media. En verbondenheid betekent dat niemand aan de zijlijn staat.

Fractioneel reserve bankieren uitgelegd.

Youtube filmpje met uitleg wat Fractioneel Reserve Bankieren is en wat Rente doet
Uitleg in 3 minuten!

Lokaal Geld, Rente vrij geld.. .

Lokaal en regionaal geld. rente vrij geld ter versterking van de lokale economie
Wij helpen met het opzetten van een lokale rentevrije munt in Nederland.

Lokaal Geld is Regionaal Rentevrij Geld .

Lokaal en regionaal geld. rente vrij geld ter versterking van de lokale economie
Wij helpen met het opzetten van een lokale rentevrije munt in Belgie.

Wat is geld .

Geld is een ruilmiddel. Moet het ook een handelswaar zijn? Wie verdient er aan ons geld systeem, en kan het anders?
We leggen geld systemen uit, vergelijken ze en laten U de conclusie trekken…

Who is Ed Griffin .

Griffin plugs a Gold Standard as the solution to the problem
It was only the last few years that I started to realize that Griffin, however, plugs a Gold Standard as the solution to what he considers the problem: the Federal Reserve Bank and its ‘fiat’ money.

On Interest .

Analysts concentrate on the fact that money is debt
Most analysts concentrate on the fact that money is debt. There seems to be some kind of consensus that debt is the heart of the issue. But it is not. The Problem is not Debt, it’s Interest.

The Goal of Monetary Reform .

Because all are enslaved to the monetary system
The Goal of Monetary Reform is to liberate all of the slavery to the Money Power.Because all are enslaved to it.

Why we don’t build Cathedrals any more .

Blossoming of culture and widespread well-being, corresponding exactly to the time period when these local currencies were used.
This made money undesirable as a store of value. The result was the blossoming of culture and widespread well-being, corresponding exactly to the time period when these local currencies were used.

The problem is Interest .

What would happen with our purchasing power, if we only needed to repay the principal, and not the interest?
What would happen with our purchasing power, if we only needed to repay the principal, and not the interest? It would mean we would have 10.000 per year more purchasing power during the 30 years we repay the mortgage.

Swiss WIR .

In Zurich there is the WIR
For eighty years a major not for profit, private currency has been operating in the heartland of Europe. In Zurich, almost next door to the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, there is the WIR, turning over the equivalent of almost 2 billion CHF per year.

Mutual credit .

Barters don’t barter.
Mutual Credit is the way money is created in barters worldwide. Barters don’t barter. They don’t use national currencies to finance their trade and that’s why they are called that way. But they use their own means of exchange to pay each other, so ‘barter’ is a misnomer.

What is money.

What is money and who benefits the most on all these kinds of currencies?
What is currency, can we choose?

Money Powers.

Libertarianism and its twin sister Austrian Economics
Libertarianism and its twin sister Austrian Economics were invented by the Money Power to be the other side of the dialectic with Communism.

Social Credit .

Social Credit is one of the main achievements of the 20th century
Social Credit is one of the main achievements of the 20th century in terms of monetary innovations. It solves poverty and depressed economies and provides a basic income to all. It reclaims the currency monopoly in the hands of the banking cartel, without centralizing power in State hands.

Interest Free Economics .

Interest-Free Economics
TInterest-Free Economics has been called ‘Sacred Economics’. And it is. It is about establishing equitable access to capital for all. It aims to end usury, while promoting initiative. It is about free markets, with access to all. Including a free market for currencies.

Local currency the Gelre .

The reason interest-free currencies have not been able to compete
The reason interest-free currencies have not been able to compete in the market-place is simply because their design has been insufficient.

Interest Slaves .

Interest slavery
The main reason why interest slavery goes largely unnoticed is because most of what we pay is invisible: it is included in prices.

Mutual Credit .

This explains why interest free credit is not the norm
Modern complementary currencies either allow for interest free credit, or for convertibility to euro or dollar. This explains to a large extent why interest free credit is not the norm and why Banks still exist. To compete with banking currencies in the marketplace, interest free credit (Mutual Credit) must be available in convertible form.

De Blije B

Zodra De Blije B aan de slag gaat als spaar- en investeringsbank wordt het feest.

De Blije B is een burgerinitiatief van professionals. Wij introduceren de waardevaste munt URA en zodra wij meer dan 10.000 leden hebben, dan vragen wij een bankvergunning aan. Wij doen niet aan rente en zijn daarmee het eerste duurzame financiële initiatief van Nederland.

Austrian Economics .

Austrian Economics favors interest bearing Gold.
Austrian Economics addresses manipulation of volume as the cause of the boom/bust cycle. But blames the State for this, instead of the Money Power. Ignores the wealth transfer from poor to rich through interest and tries to explain it away as a normal free market price for money. Favors interest bearing Gold.

Website building en search engine optimisation.

Web building en Zoek Machine optimalisatie in Nederland
SEO – ZMO Nederland Wij maken betaalbare websites voor kleine bedrijven.

Website building en search engine optimisation .

Web building en Zoek Machine optimalisatie in Nederland
SEO – ZMO Nederland Wij maken betaalbare websites voor kleine bedrijven.

SEO Netherlands.

Zoek Machine optimalisatie in Nederland
SEO – ZMO Nederland

Search Engine Optimisation Netherlands .

Zoek Machine optimalisatie in Nederland
SEO – ZMO Nederland

SEO en Zoek Machine Optimalisatie Nederland .

Zoek Machine optimalisatie in Nederland
SEO – ZMO Nederland

Search Engine Optimisation Holland .

Zoek Machine optimalisatie in Nederland
SEO – ZMO Nederland


The current economic system is not designed for our benefit
What would happen with our purchasing power, if we only needed to repay the principal, and not the interest? It would mean we would have 10.000 per year more purchasing power during the 30 years we repay the mortgage.

Thanka’s in Nederland .

Thangka’s groter dan uw voordeur van briljante kwaliteit
Thangka’s uit Nepal in Nederland.


Naar een Economie van Menselijk Floreren
